I watched them drive their fast cars to school every single day, seeing them having fun was an ordeal I had to face. Sometimes I pondered and fussed about how life could be so biased, why did I not get the chance to get a life like that?  
As young as I was, with no understanding of life, that was expected.  
Along the line, my old man sat me down to teach and share with me his experiences about life. He warned me of what I was about to face as I entered puberty – unfortunately his advice and teachings came at the wrong time and place.  
In an era where everything negative was right in front of me, and very much accessible, my chances were compromised – it would take the strong to stand their ground, I guess I wasn’t.  
I spiraled and ran in circles without an idea where my finish point would be.  
Well, what else did I expect, it was called a friend’s circle, the circle I was so hell bent to fit in. “Just a shot, it won’t hurt”, and that was the shot that led to more, and more until intoxication became a hobby – thinking that way, the supposed ‘cool’ friends would accept me into their world.
They actually did and helped me metamorphose into my worst. The outcome was disturbingly revolting, the extreme opposite of my preconceived fantasies– compelled to live the flashy lavish lifestyle, my parents’ purse and wallets were victimized.  
Drugs, alcohols, truancy, theft and womanizing – I would be called the next Bill Gates if these were actual occupations.  
I was one of them to pull silly stunts with consequences, all for the attention. Maybe I can blame it on puberty, I am at a point in life where I am swamped in guilt, having an angst about the should haves and should have nots, lines I shouldn’t have crossed.  I look back at those moments, mad at myself for the choices I made – but I guess the downside to these choices can’t be erased.  
The results of my choices are like perpetual scars, they glitter like mocking stars, there to remind me of the fool I once was.  
Influence from peers and pressure from society made me take the wrong path, now the specter of everlasting haunting memories and unending guilt has become inevitable, and my redemption seems elusive. 

Eugene Asare